Matthew B. Sellers
Aviation Pioneer 1869-1932


I was able to give back to the following organizations
through my book sales

Grahn Community Center, Grahn, Kentucky
Thanksgiving 2010
Donation $4,000
To help with the Food Drive

Senator Robin Webb, Barbara Sellers and Starlene Harris of the Grahn Community Center

"Christmas on the Hill", Olive Hill, Kentucky
Friday December 3, 2010
Donation $5,000

Olive Hill, Kentucky had been hit hard with flooding during 2010.
My donation will be used to help celebrate 150 years sesqui-centennial in July 2011
and to  help preserve Matthew's artifacts.

Linda and I were a little emotional as Larry Hall's song had just played
about the flooding and it was very moving.

Linda Lowe and Barbara Sellers

Dale Littleton, Singer/Songwriter and Barbara Sellers

Tony and Angie Collier
"Christmas on the Hill" was a huge success!!

Saturday December 18, 2010
Aviation Museum of Kentucky located at:
Lexington's Bluegrass Airport

$5,000 Donation
To help restore Matthew's Quadraplane Replica

Philip "Jack" Baugh, Barbara Sellers, Dr. George Gumbert, President of AMK

Presenting Matthew's replica Quadraplane to Jim Phillips of WGOH Radio,
Grayson, Kentucky to thank him for all his help and enthusiam on my
Grandfather Matthew B. Sellers. May 2011

I presented a replica quadraplane to President Linda Lowe of
The Olive Hill Historical Society of Olive Hill, Kentucky. Sept 2011

Starlene Harris came into see me at a book signing I was holding at Flashback Framing in Olive Hill, Ky over Christmas 2011 to present me with this plaque, which hangs at the
Grahn School Community Center.


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