Matthew B. Sellers
Aviation Pioneer 1869-1932


 4th of July Parade, Barrington, Illinois
Meeting our Veterans who were our Parade Marshalls
My Group, The Daughters of the American Revolution
were right behind them.

What an honor to meet and hear all there stories of WWII,
Korean and Vietnam conflicts!


Yes, I am dressed in Revolutionary War Outfit!



Talking with Harold Richter (Hal), Lt. Colonel USAFR Korean War, who is also a member of the Barrington EAA Chapter 790, which I am now a member.

Lenny, our WWII Veteran (Merchant Marines) who rode with us.
I just gave him my book as a big thank you!
(My High School is in the background)!!!!

They were asking to raise our arms if we were in the Navy.
I did in honor of my father, who was a Lt. Commander during WWII.


Off we go behind our Veterans

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