Matthew B. Sellers
Aviation Pioneer 1869-1932



New Book 

"The Technical Writings of Matthew B. Sellers
Aviation Pioneer
Technical Editor Aeronautics Magazine - 1908 to 1915"

This book took 1 year to compile. I had to track down 60 articles Matthew wrote for Aeronautics Magazine when he was their
Technical Editor from 1908 to 1915.

I was able to get ahold of every article, but at a cost.
The scannings from the Library of Congress were of poor condition
and the Smithsonian, who has some of the originals, were in too bad of shape for them to let me even photograph at high resolution.

So for the last 6 months, I have used Photoshop, Picture It, Picasa and numerous other software programs to try and get the best resolution so these would be more readable. I even rescanned them at 1600 dpi.

I am so amazed that this was my grandfather.
Just reading his articles on different topics of aviation just amazes me.
He was a man way ahead of his time.


Technical Writings

  • Price $55.00





"A Moment in Time"
My first book on my Grandfather.

"A Moment in Time"
The Biography of Matthew B. Sellers, II
Aviation Pioneer 1869-1932
8.5" x 11" - 552 pages

 Paperback $50.00

 A Moment in Time - Paperback
Price $50

Hardcover $75.00

A Moment in Time - Hardcopy
Price $75


To Purchase Books in Kentucky:

Aviation Museum of Kentucky, 4316 Hangar Drive, Lexington (at Bluegrass Airport)
Carter Caves State Park, Olive Hill, Kentucky (Gift Store)


  Personal Checks or Money orders are also accepted.
Please email me for contact information

Shipping to Europe $30.00


  Tony Collier of Grayson, Kentucky
DVD Documentary on Matthew B. Sellers, II


Watch an excerpt from Tony's documentary


To Purchase please contact Tony Collier at 606-316-1634

Another Book by Barbara now available in Paperback
Benefiting Colon Cancer Research

Copyright 2011 Barbara L. Sellers
ISBN Number:  978-0-615-44573-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011901811

This is a book about my mother's watercolor paintings she did. My mother, Gail Robinson Sellers, passed away after a two year battle with stage IV colon cancer in 2004.  I own 47 of the 117 paintings she did and have obtained permission from other owners for reprints of these to be available for purchase. In the book, under each picture, it will tell you whether the print is available or not available for reprinting.

All proceeds from this book will go to Colon Cancer Research minus printing costs. The Corporation I work for will match my donations 3:1, which is very generous. My mother had given me a little photo album with pictures of all of her paintings in it. I had told her one day I would publish a book on them. And now I have in her honor. Life is all about "giving" and I have been doing just that with both of my books. This book is 170 pages and is 11" x 8.5" paperback and all in color.


My Mothers Watercolors
Price $25

 John Blakemore Sellers Oil Painting of "Blakemore" 

John Blakemore Sellers, Grandson of Matthew B. Sellers, II painted this beautiful oil of "Blakemore",which he is named after.
"Blakemore" was where Matthew conducted his experiments and took
Kentucky's first powered flight on December 28th, 1908.
The original of this oil painting is now hanging at the
Lodge at Carter Caves State Park.

Prints of this oil are available Mounted or Unmounted.
Measurements are 8.00" x 16.5"
*Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for delivery on Mounted Prints,
as these are made as orders come in.

Blakemore - Mounted
Price $55

Blakemore - Unmounted
Price $40


Olive Hill's Sesquicentennial 2-DVD Set
Produced by Tony Collier of Grayson, Kentucky

This DVD celebrates Olive Hill, Kentucky's 150 year anniversary
2-DVD set includes interviews with local Olive Hill residents
 about its 150 year history and highlights some of the important events that took place in 2011 to celebrate this important year.

This DVD is available for purchase at the two Olive Hill Banks and also at the Olive Hill City Hall. 

Please contact Tony Collier 606-316-1634


Matthew B. Sellers, II
Two of his personal Violins (Fiddles)
Circa 1890
Stradavarius Copy
This one was from a Conservatory School of Music in Baltimore


Worth more at Auction
Marvin Lewis played this one while I was in Kentucky.
He thought it sounded wonderful!

Stradavarius Copy
Price $1000


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